Gymnastics- final


Gymnastics is a huge part of my life. It is where I get to soar and jump for 5 hours everyday. I love being there and training. Here, Megan is defying life and death by jumping on a four inch piece of wood four feet off the ground. Amazingly, she has been doing this skill for over 5 years.

Here we have Garza getting ready to do the flip on a beam, she is gearing up for an ariel. It is amazing what our bodies can do when we push them to the limits.

Gymnastics is the sport my life revolves around. If you know me, you know I am a gymnast.


  1. I love how you're catching your teammates in action, especially the first one. I also like the effect on the bottom photo and how it looks like you took it through a window.

  2. I love these pictures of our teammates! They are such hard workers and have great beam routines! Good job capturing these photos.


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